
Saturday, February 12, 2022


Recently a friend and I were  discussing bananas. The thought was that if we have something important to do in our life, we can't assume that we will be around long enough to see our bananas ripen. My "bananas" are 75 years old - and on their way to getting ripe. So, I’ve decided to be intentional about expressing appreciation directly to people who have impacted my life. Or put another way, I want to express my thanks for the "green pastures" that God has given me. 

Yesterday, I was reading a book from my library by Henry Blackaby titled "Experiencing God”. The page that connected was based on Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters". Here's an excerpt:

"There is a special kind of friend. This friend actually cares about what's best for you. They may be a teacher, someone you meet with regularly, a pastor, co-worker - anyone God brings alongside you to help you make smart choices. These friends are your "green pastures," your "quiet waters" They are your Good Shepherd’s  provision for you. They will encourage you to slow down when you take on too much. They will challenge you to get busy when you are too idle! They care about you enough that they'll warn you when you're headed into danger.

This reminded me of some special guyz that come to mind when I consider my "green pastures".

#1- I really value the guy that sat in the now empty chair during our regular Friday morning meeting. Although God took him to Virginia, his legacy is still very much with us - each and every week. My life is better because of his unique influence. A few years back, I posted how we met HERE. Since then there have been too many memories to count. like HERE. Like HERE. Like HERE. And HERE. And HEREThank you Bud, for being my "green pasture; my quiet waters".

#2- The term "a good friend” defines the another guy in our group. He’s the one who went out of his way to join me on a bus headed to a retreat more than 20 years ago - and he continues to be a cherished friend to this day. He has a reputation for finding the best in everyone he encounters. I've posted about our trip on my boat on (almost in) the Susquehanna HERE, and Pinchot lake HERE. He is a storyteller HERE. And HERE. He is also the go to guy for model trains. Click 
HERE. And HEREThank you Steve, for being my "green pasture; my quiet waters".

#3- And the guy we call X-ray man, has an amazing passion for Christ and prayer that that I have learned to love. I am humbled by the way he lives his life. He is generous - and has a habit of investing in others. He is a valued leader in our church family. He teaches men in our local prison. He's a history buff. Click HERE. I love his subtle humor HERE. And click 
HERE. It is an honor to call him friend - and a fellow kayaker! Click HEREThank you Jeff, for being my "green pasture; my quiet waters".

#4- Another valued friend is a former co-worker. A while back he gave me a large coffee can that symbolizes our discussions about a movie called "The Bucket List”. Every week we get together to review some of the things we've crossed off our bucket list - as well as things we plan to do before our banana is completely ripe. Click 
HERE. Bob is also a fellow kayaker. Click HERE. And I absolutely love his sense of humor. Click HEREThank you Bob, for being my "green pasture; my quiet waters”.

All of these guyz, in their own way, have been a gift from God to me. And before my banana got too rotten, I didn’t want to miss the chance to simply say Thank You!

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