
Thursday, December 31, 2015


While chugging coffee at Paneras this morning, my friend Bob and I were discussing our goals for 2016. We both agreed to try this exercise to improve our "physical" conditioning this year.

Our plan is to stand on a comfortable surface where we have plenty of room at each side. With a 5 lb. potato sack in each hand, we will extend our arms straight out from our sides, and hold them there as long as we can. Initially, the goal will be to try to reach a full minute -and then relax. We figure that each day we should be able to hold this position for just a bit longer. 
After a couple weeks, our plan is to move up to 10 lb. potato sacks. And after that, 50 lb. potato sacks. Eventually, our hope is to get to where we can lift a 100 lb. potato sack in each hand, and hold our arms straight for more than a full minute.

Once we feel confident at this level, we will put a potato in each sack.

It's gonna' be a good year. 

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