
Sunday, December 28, 2014


"For one moment I inhabited a glorious space not on earth, a moment of time not in time. Art had done its work."    Philip Yancey

This quote by Yancey is found at the end of chapter seven in his new book "Vanishing Grace". It describes his experience while standing below Michelangelo's dome in St. Peter's Basilica, while listening to a German Choir sing a cappella. Yancey starts chapter seven with a quote by T.S.Eliot:

"The Lord who created must wish us to create
And employ our creation again in His service"

He goes on to share how important the creative arts have been in our history, and suggests the need for a new appreciation of creative arts for the future.

For the last few months I have been struggling to get back to painting fine art, something I did more than 40 years ago. Problem is, I haven't been able to figure out why I seem to be blocked every time I pick up a paint brush. 

The combination of a 12 week creativity plan (a gift from a friend) that I will start in 2015 and Philip Yancey's book (a gift from my wife) should provide ample incentive for me to do some creatin' in 2015. 

Can't wait.

Click HERE for description of creativity plan.

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