
Tuesday, December 30, 2014


For years I noticed a graffiti comment near Reeser's Summit in Lewisberry, PA.

Picture by Melody Antioho

The overpass was the first thing I thought about when reading Sarah Bessey's post today. She calls it "Right Now, It Would Be Enough". It is so easy to connect with Sarah's honest writing. 

Maybe "it" can better when "we" change. Check out her comments:

"I used to think that if I were really spiritually mature, I would lose the edge to my faith. But that shadow self remains, the imp in the back of my mind is an old friend by now. I find God most in that wild tang, in the sparse and open space, in the unresolved colours. Perhaps that’s why I keep wrestling with this story of God, with the unresolved Jesus, with the wind and fire and water of the Spirit: there’s an edge to the story, more than we acknowledge at times.
So today when I woke up, I knew I needed the simplicity again. I needed a few more hard edges, even in my cozy living room, I needed to sweep away the sentimentality and breathe more easily. As I write, the sun is setting out of my living room window. The rain stopped, miracle of miracles, and the clouds have parted just above the skeleton trees, a brief wash of pink and lavender behind them. Right now, it’s enough for me."

Click HERE for her blogIt's well worth the read. 

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