
Thursday, March 26, 2020


Good Read. In this book Bruxy Cavey, bestselling author and teaching pastor at The Meeting House, explains why you shouldn’t follow the Bible (but why you’ll want to read it to learn how to follow Jesus). He revisits the real definitions of sin and salvation, which might surprise you, and re-visits with a God who is Love itself and who, like it or not, just can’t stop thinking about you. 

Consider this: like kites, we weren’t made for complete detachment. We need (re)union with God. This is a book about the good news of Jesus, the one who keeps our spirituality connected to the Truth and enables us to soar. — Bruxy

View Podcast Here - The Meeting House

View video about CoronaVirus
What a beautiful description Bruxy gives of a church full of people like the Lord Jesus whose primary objective is to share the love of God by practically caring for others, especially the lonely, the fearful and the marginalized.

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