
Sunday, December 17, 2017


Wallace Stevens said, "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake"
A few years ago I was trying to come up with some answers to a problem while walking on the Alpine trail around Pinchot Lake. But when I saw these colorful boats, I got off the trail and spent the rest of my time at the lake taking pictures. 

Pinchot State Park - Summer

During my drive home I got to thinking. I wonder how many times we set out to find answers to life problems, only to get distracted? In this case my distractions were sailboats. Guess the quote that I started this post with needs to be taken literally: "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake" Could it be that the truth won't be found unless you walk the whole way around the lake, without distractions?

A nursery rhyme came to mind "Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I've been to London to visit the Queen. Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you do there? I chased a little mouse right under a chair." The Pussy cat had a chance to spend time with the Queen of London, but settled for a little mouse. 
"Distractions are plentiful. Time is Short."

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