
Saturday, December 16, 2017


Almost 50 years ago I was sitting in my Dodge convertible in downtown Philadelphia waiting for the traffic light to turn green. Rush hour traffic had everyone at a standstill and the temperature had just reached 90 degrees.  It was Friday afternoon and the natives couldn't wait to get out of town for the weekend.

When the light turned green, I shifted into first gear and popped the clutch.  A second later I heard a loud bang so I slammed on the brakes.  Turns out the car that was next to me had opened their drivers side door just before the light changed, and my back bumper caught their door.  Their drivers side door came completely off and was laying on the street.  A big lady was sitting in her car, without her door, screaming (not so nice) things to me. 

Behind our two cars there were scores of angry drivers staring at us, since we were now blocking their only way out of town  Almost immediately I heard sirens and out of nowhere cops came driving up the sidewalk to find out what was holding up traffic. 

A cop asked what happened and I tried to explain, but the big woman kept interrupting.  Frustrated, the cop picked up her door, threw it in her back seat and told her to leave. She said, "I don't have a door!"  The cop said, "well then you better make sure your seatbelt is fastened.  Get out of here now!"  He looked at me and suggested I move on as well. 

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the woman driving down Market Street in Center City Philadelphia without a door.  Good it was a 90 degree day.

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