
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Conversation at Gifford Pinchot this morning.....

Pinchot Park - Boat Launch Area #2 

While on a trail this morning, a hiker stopped me, pointed to this yellow flower and proceeded to give me a tab bit more information than I really needed. She said, "Did you know that the dandelion name first developed in the 15th century and it was derived from the Medieval Latin phrase dens lionis, which refers to the jagged shape of the leaves, since they look like a lion’s tooth? This transformed into dent-de-lion in French, and then became Dandelion in English."  OK then. After thanking her for the schooling, I suggested she take a deep breathe and continue her hike. 

This guy was nearby the yellow flower at Pinchot 

After she walked away, I heard a voice from this nearby rock saying, "Tell the lady that the description of the name of the yellow flower is just....well....dumb. She can call it a fancy name if she wants. I call it a weed."

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