
Monday, January 19, 2015


My wife and I visited a place called LIFE CHURCH in Hershey, PA yesterday. 

Our connection to this church was the grace-filled pastor who married our daughter (and now son-in-law) at Hershey Gardens last September. The church is nearby Hershey Theater and was filled with mostly young people. 

Walking into their worship center I was reminded of the theme song to the TV program from the '90's called "Cheers". For those who are too young to remember, here are the lyrics:

"Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go, Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same, You wanna be where everybody knows Your name."

Everyone at this place was friendly and they seemed genuinely glad we were there.

Along with a team of talented worship leaders, we sang special songs with thoughtful words that engaged our hearts and minds with deep truths. I am still processing some of the words this morning. (see lyrics to one of the songs on link #1 below) 

The pastor's message titled "This One Thing" seemed to resonate and encourage everyone present. He shared that God wants to bring focus to our lives in 2015, so He can do a new thing - in and through us.

His message also related to my blog posting earlier this month. It was about a bunch of people who have picked "One Word" instead of a bunch of New Year's Resolutions. To view this post, please see link#2 below.

As sweet as Hershey, PA already is, my wife and I came away thinking that Hershey is made sweeter by this caring place called Life Church. We are really glad we chose to visit with them yesterday.

(I know some don't think church is relevant anymore, but over time church has become important to me. To find out more click link#3 below.)

  1. To read the lyrics to one of the worship songs click HERE. 
  2. To read my previous post "One Word" click HERE.  
  3. To read why the church is still relevant to me click HERE. 

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