

Some people have expressed disappointment with the local church.  They seem to be frustrated with the teaching, primarily the balance between evangelism and social justice. Yet some people, including me, have not lost the desire for a deeper encounter with Jesus. 

I thought about leaving but decided to stay after I realized the church did not exist to serve me, but it provided a place for me to serve. And the more I serve, the more I realize my deep need for the church.  And at this point following Jesus without being part of a local church doesn't really make any sense.  

It seems that almost every week something happens at church that is relevant and helpful for my life. The church has flaws, but then so do I.  Over the years I have loved being part of a close family of ragamuffins, helping each other on a very important journey.  

Here are just a few of the ways I have been serving the local church.  
Thoroughly enjoyed teaching a Jr. High Class for 6 years. 
Have been part of an men's accountability group for more than 19 years.
And I've always been engaged in some area of media ministry....

Click HERE for one example of a video that I produced for our church.  This video was used for a special concert where our choir sang "live" while imagery was projected onto the screens. (I had to reduce the quality for this video to play on this blog). Recent improvements in video technology have provided for inexpensive and effective communication, especially in church ministry.

My responsibility also includes production of
weekly sermon notes like these:

There are two software packages that have 
helped churches effectively manage their media. 

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