
Monday, January 20, 2014


During recent months I have logged about 150 miles on the treadmill while watching videos on a Kindle, using an app that allows viewing off-line.  This routine is something I look forward to daily. 

Two weeks ago, I decided to replace my worn out sneakers.  I went to "Finish Line" in the West Manchester Mall and without much thought purchased a new pair of sneakers based on the "clerks" recommendation.  What a disaster!  After a couple of weeks I could barely walk without intense pain.  Even though I had just purchased the Finish Line sneakers, I ended up having to buy another pair on Amazon.  Two lessons I learned from this experience. 

SHOP SMART - Buying the first pair that a clerk recommended was my fault and I should have known better.  Turns out it was an expensive mistake.  Unless you are a teenager it's important to do some basic research before buying the right sneakers, and the right support and fit were determined only after I had my foot arches and pressure points measured and evaluated. 
DON'T HOLD ON - In my attempt to walk without pain again I went back to the basics - to see if anything else was contributing to my problem.  I found out you can really mess up your joints by holding on to the treadmill during extended exercise, because it is not a natural way to walk or run.  For months I have been holding on to the rail so I could monitor my heart rate. This was new news to me and was easy to correct.

For now I am wearing my old scuzzy sneakers until Amazon ships me a new pair.  Still have aching joints, but in a small way this quote is true; “Every problem is a gift since without problems we would not learn."

To view a previous post describing the free software I use on the Kindle click HERE.

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