
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


TED TALKS - Watched a video today that compiles 10 of the most popular talks from TED TALKS. Fascinating questions are posed by fascinating people like:
Wonder what it was like to have Shakespeare in your English class?
Did you know that as of today we have only explored 3% of the ocean?
It was so cool when I had a stroke.  I got rid of 37 years of emotional baggage.  And what other brain scientist has had the opportunity to study their own brain from the inside out?
(ignore the 14 seconds of a silly climate "expert" at the beginning of the video)
Click HERE to view this 7 minute video. 

ROUTINE - About sixteen years ago we stopped by our daughter's bi-level house to feed the dogs while Tammy and Allen were away on a trip. After getting food and water upstairs, my wife headed to the lower level of the house to fill the dog dishes.  Instead of turning the stairway light on she counted each step on her way down, part of a routine she developed when she was younger.  Every house has six steps down, right?  Actually this house had seven.  When she went to take the last step her ankle twisted the whole way over and down she went.  I heard the crash and ran down to help her, followed by our 7 year old daughter Melody.  I recall our daughter pleading "don't die mama, please don't die."

It is amazing how God crafted our bodies.  It looked like my wife had just put on a purple sock and the top of her foot sported swelling the size of a golf ball.  We ended up in the ER at York Hospital, where they told her she tore two ligaments.  She ended up being on crutches for three weeks.  All because of a routine gone bad.

Click HERE for a previous post discussing "routine".  (Scroll down to "Ah-Ha")

NOT AN ORDINARY HOUSE - This video will have you looking twice at seemingly ordinary houses around your neighborhood. You won't believe what could be hiding in plain sight right down the street from your own home. But what's hidden inside is more important than you realize.  Click HERE to view.

More posts later today....

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