
Sunday, June 7, 2020


The first YORK FAIR was held in York, PA in 1765, eleven years before the nation was founded.  This makes it America's First and Oldest fair.  Over the years we've attended the fair, which is generally held for 10 days during September.  My wife has won awards at the fair for needlework and somewhere in the garage I have award ribbons for photography.

Did you ever see the ride where people stand in a circle and are held by centrifugal force to the outside wall?  While it spins at a high rate of speed it raises up on a 45 degree angle. 

One year we were standing next to this ride trying to decide what exhibit to see when all of a sudden it felt like it was raining; strange since it was a very hot and clear day.  My wife looked like she was swatting flies and I couldn't figure out what was falling into my hair.  Just then the ride stopped and screaming people came running toward us.  

Turns out a great, great big guy was on the ride.  That morning he came to the fair from Baltimore and spent most of the day eating everything in sight.  And then he got on the ride.  Hot day, spinning ride, full stomach.  When he got off of the ride he was covered from head to foot with vomit.  And our mystery about the rain was solved. 

The first HEAD BOAT experience for my wife took place in Lewes, Delaware. I was looking forward to taking her on this trip since for years I enjoyed deep sea fishing.  We boarded the boat and were happy to see that there was plenty of room, since not many showed up that morning.  However, just before we were ready to push away from shore a group of guys from Baltimore boarded.  Now the boat was really crowded, but we hoped for a good day of fishing anyway.  I checked out my wife.  She didn't look like a fisherman, but she did look good.  

The Baltimore boys were hitting the suds pretty heavy, and after about 3 hours they pretty much forgot about fishing and just tried to not fall overboard.  They were loud and my wife was staring to get irritated. I think it was late morning when the ocean started to get rough.  One of the Baltimore guys was on his way back from getting bait (squid) when he lost his balance and landed on my wife, dousing her with beer.  She was about half his size but made quick work of shoving him the whole way across the boat.  Turns out her first trip deep sea fishing was her last trip.  

DRAMAMINE came in handy for me about 20 years ago.  A bunch of guys from First Assembly of God Church in York, PA chartered a boat near Ocean City Maryland.  My father-in-law, son and I joined the guys.  My son describes it this way:

"The seas got really rough, and most of the 70 or so people on board were puking their guts out. At one point, I was in the front of the boat with my arms hooked under the rails, and we crested a wave and bottomed-out. Pap fell into the fish barrel, a random guy actually went overboard and was flung back into the boat, and I ended up with a bruised posterior. Even crew members were sick. It was the roughest sea I've ever experienced, and I'll admit, I was pretty scared." 

This is one of those trips when you can't wait to get back on the dock.  If I recall correctly, my son, father in law and I were the only three from the church group that didn't get sick.

The reason I took Dramamine before getting on the charter boat was because a few months before this trip I went deep sea fishing with a friend from York.  It was the first and only time I got seasick.  My friend had a nice boat for the Susquehanna river, but we made a mistake thinking we could save charter fees by launching his boat in the ocean. As soon as we got out of protected waters, the ocean got really rough.  It wasn't long before I reached the point when dying seemed preferred to the way I felt.  I recall begging my "friend" to go back but he just laughed.  It was so bad that when we got back into York I got sick again when I got a bath.

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