
Friday, May 8, 2020

Whoops. Wrong Office!

A few years ago I was taking our Mom to appointments. One of the last of the day was her doctor's office, located in a row of cookie cutter buildings in a small office complex near Mechanicsburg. It was early evening when I dropped her off at the front door, and once I was sure she was safely in the waiting room, I headed to a nearby McDonalds for a quick coffee and email check. 

About 30 minutes later I headed back to pick her up, returning to the office complex through a rear entrance.  After parking, I noticed that the doctors office looked completely dark.  Strange, since I had dropped Mom off less than an hour before.  Anyway, I quickly headed to the front door, only to discover it was locked.  

Now I was getting concerned. 

I noticed a light in the office a few doors down from the doctors. The front door to the office was open, so I entered but didn't see anyone. Shortly after hollering "anyone here?" I heard a noise down a dark hallway.  About 30 seconds later I heard a stern "who's there?" and a guy came out with a gun pointed directly at me. I said, "put the gun away! "I was just trying to find out why the doctors office two doors down is locked."   He said, "there is no doctor's office two doors down!"  "Who are you and what are you doing in my building?" 

Now I was getting concerned.

I quickly told him about my mom and the doctors and McDonalds and coffee and checking email and .....  After a few minutes the guy settled down and we came to the conclusion that since I came in the rear entrance of the complex, I parked at the wrong row of offices - since they all look exactly the same.  Turns out the doctor's office was in the adjacent row of buildings.

Anyway, I'm glad the guy didn't shoot first and ask questions later. 

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