
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

One Decision Away from Joy

"In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus promises joy nine times! But this joy is not cheap. Observe the sequence. First, we recognize we are in need… we are poor in spirit. Next, we repent of our self-sufficiency… we mourn. We quit calling the shots and surrender control to God… we are meek. Grateful for his presence, we yearn for more of him… we hunger and thirst. As we grow closer to him, we become more like him. We forgive others… we are merciful. We change our outlook… we are pure in heart. We love others… we are peacemakers. We endure injustice… we are persecuted.

The more radical the change, the greater the joy. His is a joy that consequences cannot quench. His is a peace that circumstances cannot steal. And it is within your reach. You are one decision away from joy."

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