
Sunday, May 31, 2020


Before Covid, every few days an interesting guy would come to the YMCA fitness center. Even on warm days he would wear heavy clothing; sweatshirt, hood, long pants, etc. After working out on the weight machines, he heads for the treadmill, usually the one next to me. He cranks up the speed to the max, runs flat out for a few minutes, and then stops. 

It's almost like whatever feeling motivated him to get on the treadmill disappears after a really short spurt, and then, "Feeling's Gone".

About ten years ago, I was working with a guy in the media center at our church. Toward the end of the sermon, the pastor asked if anyone would like to come forward for prayer. The guy said to me, "my life's a mess. I really should go forward." I said, "GO, I'll take over!" He put his head down and after a few minutes he turned to me and said, "Feelings Gone".  

Even after all of these years, I have never forgotten those two chilling words.

Got me to wondering how often we are motivated to make things right, but we end up putting it off. Even though it's been more than forty years, I still remember some words I heard while in Art School, from of all people, Pablo Picasso:

 “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”. 

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