
Sunday, April 5, 2020


The hand that spins the galaxies brought me into being.
The One who holds the stars has made me his own.
I am God’s child. My life is rich, my days are sacred.
I am held by a love that’s wider and higher than the farthest
edges of this expanding universe.
I am a pilgrim in this world, in search of wisdom and wonder.
I will take new adventures.
And follow God into the unknown.
What I achieve is not as important as the person I become.
So I will seek to imitate the Nail-Pierced One.
I will step in the direction of my strengths and talents.
They are Spirit-given tools for my God-given tasks.
I will pay attention to my persistent aspirations.
They could be the whispers of God.
I will serve all I can and walk deeply with a few.
I will aim for great things but leave my legacy to God.
The path is long and the terrain at times hard.

I will not wish for another’s life.
I will take my place, play my part.
Something important will be missed if I don’t.
For the hand that spins the galaxies wants me here.
 Sheridan Voysey.

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