
Tuesday, February 4, 2020


CRADLE TO GRAVE takes on literal meaning when I reflect on my birth in Findlay, Ohio.  On February 4, 1947 mom and I were transported from the hospital to our home in a hearse.  This was common back then and I am not sure why this service hasn't continued, since it seems like logical income for funeral homes. If the funeral director does a good job getting you from the hospital to your cradle, there is additional business waiting for get you to your grave.    

Death.  Something each one of us will face....and today I was reflecting on experiences in my life when this 5 letter word became too real for comfort.  Reminders like.......

When I was 14, my best friend got hit by a car and instantly killed.  I recall his distraught mom saying to me at his funeral, "why did this have to be my son?"

LESSON - "death is no respecter of age, and the worst pain is for a child to be taken from a parent"

My young daughter and I were the first to encounter a fatal accident.  I was first to reach his car and but there was nothing I could do.

LESSON - "life is precious and no one knows when it will end".

Standing outside of Polyclinic Hospital just after being notified that my dad died.  To this day I recall his very real presence with me there, even though he was gone.

LESSON - "there is a life waiting for us immediately after we die."

Not sure when I will catch my last hearse ride, but I am so thankful for the certainty of my eternal life. How can I be so certain?  Sounds a little presumptuous, doesn't it?  For me, it is based solely on the price Jesus paid.  Because of Him, when the hearse arrives it will be the beginning of a new life that has no end. 

I also wrote about other personal experiences reminding me of this 5 letter word on my December 31 posting.  Click HERE.

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