
Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Our grandson Moses when he was 7 months
I was reading today that kids intuitively understand that life is a series of present moments, each meant to be experienced wholly. Each moment is important, since kids immerse themselves in the present.

Experiencing life in the present moment is not mysterious, nor is it a big deal. Essentially, it involves putting less attention on worries, concerns, regrets, mistakes, things yet to be done, things that bother us, the future, and the past. And when we do this we bring out the best in us, since we are far less distracted. Regardless of what happened yesterday, last month, years ago, or what might happen later today, tomorrow, or next year; the present should be our focus.

Living like a 7 month old gives us the capacity to experience ordinary events in an extraordinary fashion, and spend far less time being bothered by life, while spending more time enjoying life.

"All we’re guaranteed is today. Tomorrow is the Lord’s to give as well as reveal. Lord, thank you for today."
Not bad advice, don't you think?

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