
Monday, January 27, 2020


My wife is enjoying a book I got her called "Pearls of Great Price". 

In today's entry Joni writes, "My husband Ken loves this time of the year, since it's almost time for the Super Bowl. Ken loves football, he has played and coached it, he appreciates the physical demands it makes on the whole body, he loves the tackles, plays, strategy, everything! He doesn't even care who is playing. 

On the other hand, I'm a football snob. If it isn't my team on the field, I'd just as soon watch paint dry. The difference between Ken and me? He's not so selective. Ken delights in the game, even one between two last place teams. But me? If it isn't a team I can relate to, then I don't care to be involved. 

Ken loves the game because it's, Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could love the church because it's the church, the bride of Jesus, his body? God calls us to love people, because well....they are His people."

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