
Sunday, December 2, 2018


I was viewing a TED Talk yesterday about the benefits of growing older.  The speaker had a great attitude and interesting perspective.   

Here are a few of the comments from the TED Talk: 

"My body may be falling apart, but my brain is not.  I love my brain. I feel lighter. I don't carry grudges, ambition, vanity, none of the deadly sins that are not even worth the trouble. It's great to let go. 

I should have started sooner. 

And I've gained spirituality. I'm aware that before, death was in the neighborhood. Now, it's next door. I try to live mindfully and be present in the moment.  

Since each new day is a blessing.

So how can I stay passionate? I cannot will myself to be passionate in old age. I have been training for some time, and when I feel flat and bored, I fake it. How do I train? I train by saying yes to whatever comes my way: drama, comedy, tragedy, love, death, losses. 

Yes to life. 

Retirement is a time of celebration. It's a great time. Unless you are ill or very poor, you have choices. I have chosen to stay passionate and engaged with an open heart. 

And I continue to do this every day."

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