
Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Last night I was listening to an interesting update on the "Post Secret" project.
Frank Warren, the founder of PostSecret says,"It all started with a crazy idea in November of 2004. I printed up 3,000 self-addressed postcards. They were blank on one side, and on the other side I listed some simple instructions." 

"I asked people to anonymously share a secret they'd never told anyone before. And I handed out these postcards randomly on the streets of Washington, D.C., not knowing what to expect."

"But soon the idea began spreading. People began to buy their own postcards and make their own postcards. I started receiving secrets in my home mailbox, not just with postmarks from Washington, D.C., but from Texas, California, Vancouver, New Zealand, Iraq. Soon my crazy idea didn't seem so crazy. is now the most visited advertisement-free blog in the world."

To listen to the podcast update called "Why Would You Share A Secret With A Stranger?" click HERE
To listen to the original TED Talk about the Post Secret Project click HERE

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