
Sunday, August 26, 2018


The first YORK FAIR was held in York, PA in 1765, eleven years before the nation was founded. America's First and Oldest fair opens this year on September 7, 2018.

Most years we've tried to attend the fair. My wife has won awards for needlework - and somewhere in the garage I still have some ribbons for artwork and photography.

Question. Did you ever see the ride where people stand in a circle and are held by centrifugal force to the outside wall? While it spins at a high rate of speed it raises up on a 45 degree angle.

One year we were standing next to this ride - trying to decide what exhibits to see, when all of a sudden it felt like it was raining; strange since it was a very hot and clear day. My wife looked like she was swatting flies and I couldn't figure out what was falling into my hair. Just then the ride stopped and screaming people came running toward us.

It turns out a great big guy was on the ride. That morning he came to the fair from Baltimore and spent most of the day eating everything in sight. And then he got on the centrifugal ride. Hot day, spinning ride, full stomach. When he got off of the ride he was covered from head to foot with vomit.

In that moment, I realized it wasn't flies that my wife was swatting, and it suddenly became clear that rain wasn't falling into my hair. That year our visit to the York Fair was over, pretty much before it even began.

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