
Sunday, August 19, 2018


page 89 "I seldom run into visual clues that remind me of God unless I am looking. The act of looking, the pursuit itself, makes possible the encounter. For this reason Christianity has always insisted that trust and obedience come first, and knowledge follows."

page 105
"God's love, thankfully, is not based on our intrinsic worth.  It comes by grace, a priceless yet free gift that bestows worth on the most unlovable object. Some things are loved because they are worthy and some are worthy because they are loved. Theologically, we fit the latter category."

page 280 "If I envision God as Zeus like, aiming thunderbolts on the wretched humans below, then naturally I will direct my anger and frustration at God, the immediate cause of my hardship. If, on the other hand, I perceive God as working from below, under the surface, calling out to us through each weakness and limitation, I open the possibility of redemption for the very thing I resent most about my life."

Previous posts about Philip Yancey

Click HERE for Yancey's take on Body World.
Click HERE for Yancey's take on Nature. 
Click HERE for Yancey's take on Death. 
Click HERE for Yancey's take on "Guns and Roses"

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