
Monday, July 23, 2018


Someone asked a teacher why she taught and she replied...."Where could I find such splendid company?" 

"There sits a statesman, strong, unbiased, wise; another Daniel Webster. A doctor sits beside him, whose quick steady hand may mend a bone, or stem the life-blood's flow. And there's a builder. Upward rise the arch of a church he builds, wherein that minister may speak the word of God and lead a stumbling soul to touch the Christ. And this gathering of statesman, farmers, merchants, laborers: those who work and vote and build and plan and pray into a great tomorrow. And I may say, I may not see the church, or hear the word or eat the food their hands may grow. But yet again I may. And later I may say, I knew him once, but then he was a boy."

Sometimes, a few teachers sour our attitude toward today's entire educational system. Maybe we should give teachers the benefit of the doubt. Maybe most teachers see what their students will become, and treat them accordingly. 

* This dialogue was from a TED TALK by John Wooden. 

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