
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

SAVANNAH (continued)

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We searched the internet and found that the hotel was actually located at Johnson Square, but when we went to that site there were only large banks and nothing that looked like a hotel. See this link:

1905 journal entry; "It wasn't very late, according to our opinion, so why not see a little of the city before retiring? We walked up Bull Street, the chief promenade of the city, and across Johnson Square we strolled, taking in all the sites."
West Broad Street is a wide thoroughfare and lined by a number of small houses and second hand stores.
One thing we noticed today is that Martin Luther King Blvd. does not have many small houses on it (unlike Mr. Gable’s observation), as it is a big, busy street with many businesses. As we were walking we passed a large construction project and it  looked like this small house was being saved. We found on the internet that West Broad Street in the past was a cultural center for blacks in Savannah, with businesses, churches and a train station. See link:
1905 Journal: Many of the trees we noticed were covered with a peculiar Spanish moss. This moss is a parasite that lives by inserting its delicate suckers into the bark, and draws its sustenance from the flowing sap. It is repelled by trees in perfect vigor, but in one enfeebled by age or accident, the moss gains foothold and goes on with its quite works of destruction until it consumes the heart blood of its helpless victim. 

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