
Tuesday, January 2, 2018


My daughter got me this devotional for Christmas. Taking this ONE YEAR WALK is going to be my morning highlight during 2018. Thank you Tammy, Tammy! Here's a portion of today's devo:

Proverbs 9:10 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of Him brings understanding. Why? Because the fear of the Lord means understanding who God is and who I am. But it doesn't stop there; it continues into worship. When I really understand who God is and who I am - I choose to offer Him everything. Considering who God is, all I have to give is my life, so I lay that on the altar as a sacrifice.

True worship translates into a lifestyle. When God's interests consistently supersede mine and I act accordingly, I am worshiping.

Imagine yourself in the throne room of God. See the altar at His feet. Get on it. Lay yourself out before Him and say "I am yours. Do with me as you will. I give up my right to govern myself, because you are far more worthy to do it - and you will never do me harm. I exist for your purpose and for your purpose alone."

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