
Thursday, January 25, 2018


P.13 - "More Americans will pray this week than will exercise, drive a car, have sex or go to work." 

P.17- "Prayer: The intimate place where God and human beings meet." 

P. 66 - "Why so much candor in the book of Psalms? Because life is like that."

P. 100 - "The opposite of love is indifference." 

P.161 - "Prayer remains a struggle for me. On the other hand, so does forgiving someone who has wronged me. So does loving my neighbor. So does caring for the needy. 

I persist because I am fulfilling God’s command, and also because I believe I am doing what is best for me whether or not I feel like it at the time. Moreover, I believe that my perseverance, in some unfathomable way, brings pleasure to God. We should always pray and not give up, Jesus taught."   

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