
Sunday, January 14, 2018


After a party at our daughters on Sunday, I was putting packages in my truck when car pulled up next to me and an elderly lady hollered, "Sir, any chance you can help us?"

"My husband and I have been driving for almost an hour, but we can't find our destination." I recognized the address they were looking for and told them it was on the way to my house. Since I was ready to leave, I told her to follow me. The lady thanked me, and drove up the street to turn around. 

At that moment our son in law was leaving the party as well, so he pulled away from the curb just as the couple drove down the street. Unfortunately, the lady thought I was in the car our son in law was driving, so she followed his car instead of my truck. I say unfortunately, because he left the party to drive directly to a business meeting in New Jersey.

Funny how strange things like this happen in life, don't you think?   

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