
Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Week Begins

There is no Easter without Palm Sunday. Today we celebrate the day when the crowds spread their coats in the street and waved palm branches in honor of Jesus. They honored Him as their king. (as they should have). This day led to a week of epic events - The upper room, Jesus in the garden, a mock trial, the death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection. 

In Psalm 92:12 it says "the righteous will flourish like a palm tree". This is symbolic of the life Jesus makes possible for those who trust in Him. Because of what happened during Easter week, Jesus is able to offer His followers true purpose and meaning in their lives. 

So today, I honor King Jesus, the one who gives strength and life. I love you Jesus. Without you, I would be lost and my life would have no meaning or purpose. Thank you, Jesus, for being obedient to the Father. We honor You on this Palm Sunday.

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