
Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Just finished watching the last episode of "The Cleaner".... one of the best TV series I've seen. Here is a brief description of the show:

William Banks is recovering drug addict who lives in Los Angles. When his daughter was born, he made a deal with God that he would give up drugs and devote his life to help other people to beat their own harmful additions.

While William must often resort to unethical and sometimes illegal methods to help his clients come clean, his success has earned the respect of the LAPD and other officials. William frequently asks for guidance from God in his mission and to help maintain his own path.

In yesterday's episode William ended with these words, taken from Proverbs 30.
William Banks: [voiceover] There are four things that amaze me, even though now I finally think I've begun to understand them. In fact, it's the very fact that I understand them that makes them so amazing. The way of an eagle in the sky. The way of a ship at sea. The way of a serpent on a rock. And the way a man loves a woman. And for me, there's a fifth thing, more amazing than the eagle, more inspiring than the ship, more potent than the serpent, and even more beautiful than the man and the woman. It's the way of the family, because without them, there's nothing worth loving.

[William Banks (the main character) at a memorial, silently speaking to God] How many times have I seen this? More to the point, how many times have you? I can't imagine what's it's like to have the power to move mountains...and yet, you have to stand by and watch this. I get that everything happens for a reason. And I get the mysterious ways in which you move. But I wonder if moments like this cause even you to doubt. To question... us. I used to wish I had your vision, the ability to see the big picture. But then to see things like this... I wouldn't want it. This deal we made, I made, sometimes I think I understand it. And what's next? Another lost innocent. Another death. Another funeral? Yeah, sometimes I understand it. And sometimes...

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