
Friday, January 2, 2015


Never bought into the New Year Resolutions thing, but I may join a "One Word" tribe in 2015. Let me explain. The top 10 most broken New Year Resolutions are:
  1. Get More Exercise
  2. Quit Smoking
  3. Quit Drinking
  4. Get Out Of Debt
  5. Enjoy Life
  6. Spend More Time With Family
  7. Help Others
  8. Learn Something New
  9. Get Organized
  10. Don't Make Any Resolutions

Evidence now suggests that sticking to more than one New Year resolution is simply impossible for the brain to handle. So some have decided to analyze everything they want to change and then pick one thing that’s most important.
Not sure, but I guess they pick one thing for each of the next ten years? 

2015. Get More Exercise
2016. Quit Smoking
2017. Quit Drinking
2018. Get Out Of Debt
2019. Enjoy Life
2020. Spend More Time With Family
2021. Help Others
2022. Learn Something New
2023. Get Organized
2024. Don't Make Any Resolutions

I just read that others make it simpler than one thing each year. They reduce their resolution to one word. In fact, there is a whole tribe of people that have adopted this method. Click HERE.

Before you discount this "One Word" method, check out a post by one of my favorite bloggers, Sarah Bessey. Her journey is always worth the read. Click HERE.

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