
Friday, December 19, 2014


This time of year my wife has little surprises in every corner of our house. Things that have meaning. Things that last.

Joni wrote in her devotional today "things that hold no meaning, although shimmery and eye-catching, are soon forgotten." 

As I left my guy world and started to notice the Christmas decorations that my wife has had up for a few weeks. Many of the decorations are her own handmade cross stitch creations. And over the years my wife has spent hundreds of hours making all 11 of our grand kids their own customized cross stitch. Guess that is what Joni meant when she described things that have meaning.

Things that last. 

Joni continued writing, "It’s like that in life, too. There are many dimensions to our lives—some that have lasting value, and others, though they add sparkle, that quickly fade."

Hats off to my wife, who in so many ways has made lasting memories, things that have, and will have meaning.  I am blessed.

Click HERE for Joni's devotional today. 

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