
Wednesday, November 26, 2014


In the near future, I hope to have each one of our family members contribute to this blog. From our 92 year old mom to the baby about to be born in Minnesota, each family member has a unique and interesting story to share. 

Noah Hogan volunteered to be first.

Hey blog readers, I’m Noah. I am 14 years old, go to Dover High School, and have the coolest papa ever! 

He asked me to write an article for today’s blog, so here goes. He has given me a choice to write about anything I wanted to, so I chose to write about what I spend most of my day doing, both at school and at home..... TECHNOLOGY! 

From computers to phones, and cars to guns, technology has a wide array of uses, always changing the world for the better or worse. Technology can also be used just for fun, which is what I use it mostly for. 

I usually spend my time on a computer editing photos to make them look cooler, funnier, or just plain better. It takes a ton of time and patience, but the finished result looks so good it drives me to keep editing more photos. I would not call my work productive, but it occupies my time and is worth every second. Here are some example of photos I have created:

Thank you Noah!  You have a lot to offer that big world out there.  OK, now I'm on the hunt for the next Ritchey contribution.

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