
Saturday, September 10, 2016


The author Philip Yancey recently posted: "I have sat in classrooms and listened to professors drone on about the defining qualities of the deity: omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, etc. These are among the first words you’ll find when you look up the word God in a theology book.

I would choose another starting point: whoever thought up this planet is a fierce and incomparable Artist beside whom all human achievement and creativity dwindle as child’s play.
I read somewhere that the Old Testament was the first ancient literature to celebrate the glories of nature. No wonder—its authors recognized the handiwork of a personal creator. This video shows some of that handiwork at its best. From the standpoint of naturalistic evolution, its researchers can only ask, “Why?” As one who believes in an Artist behind all creation, I ask, “Why not?”

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