
Monday, February 23, 2015


Just got notice that Pennsylvania State Parks put the Egret and Blue Heron on their front cover. The picture (above) was posted on my blog last Friday. I've been chasing these birds for the last couple of years, mostly at Pinchot Park.

Problem is, they didn't post my comments clarifying that I superimposed the birds over the rocks. And now some people think they are actually back at the lake! Last Friday my comments (posted with the picture) read: 

   Winter 2015    Took picture of these rocks yesterday at Gifford Pinchot Lake. 

  Summer 2014  Took a picture of the Blue Heron at Gifford Pinchot Lake.

   Spring 2013    Took a picture of the White Heron at Hawk Lake in York, PA.

Got tired of waiting for spring so I put the three pictures together. Spring will be here in 27 days, 3 hours and 14 minutes. Can't come soon enough! 

One person on the Pennsylvania State Park site is surprised the birds are already here, especially since the lake is still frozen. So in spite of his trek to warmer climate, I guess Blue is not forgotten. Hope he returns soon; but then, maybe my grandson and I should take a quick trip to the frozen lake to see if he may already be there. 

Click HERE for a related post last October when Blue made it big on our local NBC television affiliate. 

For more information about Gifford Pinchot Park just click the word "pinchot" under "search previous posts" (upper right).

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