
Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Today while visiting with my mom....

.....we viewed a DVD that was filmed on location in Israel.  Mom has visited there more than once and my sister and her family live in Jerusalem.  In 1985 my wife and I toured the country with our church group at that time.

The DVD was made by Franklin Graham and is called "7 Days in the Holy Land".  The scenery and message was excellent, but I was just as fascinated by Cissie Graham's interaction with her father. I checked her Facebook page and found a note she recently gave to her father for his 62nd birthday. 

"I'm thankful for a dad who has shown me what a compassionate leader is, who has taught me not to care what the world thinks of me, who takes the Gospel all around the world, who can make killer "butter cakes," & most importantly, who has shown me how to have a personal relationship w/ Jesus. Oh, and who is just plain cool...guns, airplanes, & motorcycles. Yep, sums up my dad." 

As a father myself, it is encouraging to read her thoughts on now being a parent: 

“I don’t think we’ll understand our parents’ love until we’re a parent ourselves,” Cissie said.  “I remember holding (my baby) Margaret and thinking of every time I’ve rolled my eyes at my parents, every time I was disrespectful, or I talked back or disobeyed. I’m so thankful for parents who were patient with me over the years.  If you have a minute, click the "7 Days" title (above) to see clips of the Holy Land video. Thank you for your example Franklin Graham. 

After watching the DVD on The Holy Land Mom shared how she met our dad.  While in the army and stationed at Fort Indiantown Gap, our dad took weekend leave and searched out a church in Harrisburg.  It was at this church he first met mom.  It's interesting to consider how things would be different if he decided to spend the weekend doing something else. Five kids and a tribe of grand kids and great grand kids scattered around the world wouldn't exist today.

I never thought much about it, but a while back I also searched out a church, but this one was in York, PA.  It was at this church I first met my (now) wife, and we will celebrate our 45th year together this October.  

Thank you for your example dad. 

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