
Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Every fruit and vegetable resembles a body organ to signal its benefit to us..

Don't recall ever seeing this video before but I think it is another hidden message that God's fingerprint is everywhere, even in fruit and vegetables. Click HERE.  (3 min.) 

Also viewed the Fibonanci Sequence today, which some dismiss, but I believe it presents interesting clues that there is a designer behind everything we see. And my belief is strengthened by the scores of comments mocking the idea that God was behind creation. Me thinks they protest too much.  

Now I'm not silly enough to believe a sliced walnut or carrot resembling parts of our body is proof there is a God.  But I am silly enough to pause and consider that there may be a pattern behind everything in creation and some of these patterns are just recently being uncovered - only because new technology is giving us a glimpse of One much more intelligent than me.   Click HERE (4 min.)

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