
Tuesday, June 10, 2014


When tragedy strikes, reporters spring into action, explaining 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when', and even 'how'; but rarely... 'why'.  

Today I was listening to an interview with bestselling author Philip Yancey, who offers new perspective on that ancient question.  He was interviewed by Lorna Dueck. Her recap:

"Why if there is a loving, watching, caring God, have we got heartbreaking evil and pain on this planet?  Because this world is not as good as it gets. Sin took care of that. Earth is no longer the ideal place God has created for us. God hates suffering, pain, and death. He hates it, and like his love, his hatred of it is beyond our understanding. God's eternal and infinite love of people, is shown to us in Jesus Christ.

Are you wondering "Why God Allows Suffering?"  Watch this interview by clicking HERE 

(special guest is Marie Monville, former wife of Amish schoolhouse shooter)

"CONTEXT with Lorna Dueck" is a weekly, half-hour, independently-produced television program.   Check out this site for some really interesting interviews.  Click HERE

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