
Saturday, May 10, 2014


Recent visits to viewings reminded me about past experiences with funeral homes. 

Last Thursday evening as we were walking out of Les Walker's viewing, we saw friends who told us they had recently attended a funeral of a family member at Workinger Funeral Home in York.  They drove under the overhang and parked, entered and signed the register.  After entering the parlor they saw the person in the casket.   It wasn't their family member!  Shocked, they left quietly.  Turns out their family member was at Etzweiler Funeral Home, just down the street.

That was the first time I ever heard of someone attending the wrong funeral. 

When I was working I often visited Funeral Homes that needed sound and projection systems.  On one of my visits the funeral director got a call and left me in the same room as the deceased.  His call lasted about 20 minutes.  I wasn't sure what to say or do, but felt kind of strange.

As I mentioned in a previous posting called "CRADLE TO GRAVE" (Click HERE), when I was born I was brought home from the hospital in a hearse.

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