
Friday, May 9, 2014


Lester Walker asked me that question more than once when I was youth leader at a local church in York, PA. 

Our youth group would spend many hours each year building a display to be shown at a big convention at the Farm Show Arena in Harrisburg.  Displays were based on a yearly theme, and awards were given for the display that best illustrated the theme.

The teenagers were crazy competitive and each year we would try to outdo all other groups in the Central PA area.   One year I asked Les if he could help build a moveable booth on wheels.  The booth would be built in the shape of a polygon.  I have no idea why Les agreed to help.

We stretched tracing paper across 5 panels, creating 5 separate screens. A 35mm projector was placed in the center of the booth.  Then we prepared 35mm slides to illustrate the theme in 5 different ways.  We stationed 5 teenagers inside the booth - and for 3 hours (every 20 seconds) they would turn the entire booth to a new panel and reveal new information.  

Les was a talented builder, and a really good sport.  I recall transporting the booth in a large truck from York to Harrisburg.  We had covered the booth with decorations, most of which ended up all over route 83 before reaching the arena.  Les sent some guys back to York to pick up some of the decorations along route 83.  Anyway, we won first prize out of 40 other youth groups.

Last evening my wife and I attended Les Walker's viewing.  He lived his life well and his legacy lives on in the lives of many teenagers.  Thank you Les.

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