
Sunday, May 11, 2014


My friend and I just started re-reading one chapter a week from "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

We concluded from our discussion last week that there are those who believe in a God but with different definitions of who he is: Some believe that god is nature and nature is god.  If the universe ceased to exist, god would go out of existence. 

There are others who believe that there is one God, separate and apart from the universe, in fact, He is the one who created the universe.  And then there are others who do not believe in any god.  Pretty simple huh? 

This week we will review chapter two.  I love the way Lewis continues:  "Very well then.  Atheism is too simple.  And I will tell you another view that is also too simple.  It is the view I call "Christianity and Water"  - the view that simply says there is a good God in heaven and everything is all right, leaving out the difficult doctrines about sin and hell and the devil and redemption.  Both these are boy's philosophies. 

Looking forward to our next discussion at Paneras CafĂ© in York, PA.  

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