
Monday, February 3, 2014


PERSONAL REFLECTION after 67 years of life

MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY - Life often gets messy but over the years I've observed that the single most tragic decision that anyone can make is to ignore God; that is, to cut Him out of their life. 

MY WIFE - Every successful guy I know illustrates by his life that the key to his success has been a good wife.  I don't deserve my wife of 45 years, but it isn't lost on me that I am beyond blessed.  For a picture of when we got married, click HERE.

OUR KIDS - Where has the time gone?  Our oldest daughter has been married 22 years and has 7 kids, our son has been married 12 years with 4 kids.  Our youngest daughter just graduated college and landed a job. Their spiritual journey has been totally different than ours but we appreciate and respect their unique search for truth.  We wouldn't trade our kids for anything. To see their picture click HERE.

OUR GRANDKIDS - Words that come to my mind when I look at our 11 grandkids each week are Masterpieces....Legacy....Heritage....Potential...

MY MOM is 91 years old and she is the glue that holds our family together.  Her love for God and refusal to say anything bad about anyone has set the bar high. She has 26 grandkids and 64 great grandkids, plus 3 more coming (currently in the oven).  For a picture of my mom click HERE and scroll down to the end of the page.

OUR CHURCH - Frankly, it's confusing to hear people say they are following God but have no interest in the church. As I look back over my life I see that our best friends, best memories and invaluable support have come from people in the church.  (see yesterday's post)

Have no idea what the future holds, but so far I have no complaints.  For now, I am finishing a life plan for the rest of my story. Click HERE.   My motivation?  Click HERE.

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