
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


In early January our pastor started a series of sermons to clarify his vision by reviewing the Core Values of the church. (Going back to the basics).

I have been thinking about this approach for my life.  I am retired and some would say the best part of my life is behind me.  Maybe, but maybe not. Either way, the people around me (my wife, kids, grandkids and friends) deserve a strong finish with focus, vision and purpose. 

After a search I found Don Miller's blog STORYLINE, where he offers a FREE Life Coaching Plan.  Following this plan I first completed a timeline of major positive and negative events that happened during my life, from 1947 to 2014.

Then I answered questions like ....  

Do you have a vision for the rest of your life? Do you know where you want to go? Can you imagine it? And furthermore, do you have a vision for each role you play in your life? Do you know where you’re heading as a husband and father and grandfather?   If you don’t know, and if the people around you don’t know, you’re likely living a boring story.

Never a lover of surveys but for some reason I was committed to staying with this life plan, which continued with this thought provoking question.....

Who are you? Seriously, I mean who are you, for real. Not who do people think you are or who do you want to be, but who are you?

Anyway, I plowed through developing a plan and setting goals for 2014 and I am now working on a vision for the rest of my life.  Actually, this was fun and since I had to develop an action list with specific timelines - results should just be a few days away.

Looking forward to serving God and others with focus, for the rest of my life.

If you are interested, click HERE for Don Miller's 2 minute introductory video for his life coaching. (You can view the Storyline blog by clicking HERE)

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