
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


BACKYARD TREE - A huge 3-story mulberry tree was in the backyard of our previous house and in the spring the berries made a mess.  Anyone who got near the tree would end up with red juice all over their shoes.  The tree’s wood was too soft to burn in our fireplace and branches ended up falling all over the yard.  The berries would rot and then smell, which would attract bees and flies.  We began to hate this tree with all of our heart and began plotting a way to stop the tree from producing berries.

Finally my son and I came up with a plan.  We would cut the big tree down and use about 3’ of the trunk as a base for a backyard table.  All that I had was a Poulan 14” chain saw, but this and our passion would conquer the big tree.  We climbed and cut some of the larger branches.  The tree now looked like a 40’ statue.  It was brutal but we finally cut through the massive trunk and the tree came down with a sound that was heard all over Dover, PA. 

I asked my son to get the wheelbarrow so we could begin cleaning up the mess.  Problem is we forgot to move the wheelbarrow and the big tree fell on it.  What was not buried was pulverized. 

I should have known the tree would have the last laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED that tree! Remember "SMURF TURF"(some of my best childhood memories came from that tree and the tree house you helped us build in it)...guess life is all about perspective.
