
Friday, December 27, 2013


PROTOTYPE - Sara Held Evans reviews the book "Prototype" which includes a quote worth considering: "Obscurity is where God send all of His favorite sons and daughters.  Our society tells us that if and when we get "there" - the job or position or degree we've always dreamed of - that's when all the important stuff will start happening.  Not so.  All the good stuff happens in obscurity."  Click HERE for more details on this book review. 

ORANGE - Did you know that the bigger the navel in an orange, the sweeter it will be?  And by the way, thank you to Christopher Columbus, who brought the first orange seedlings to the New World on his second voyage in 1493.  I always look forward to one orange a day.

APPLE - Did you know that the average person eats 65 apples per year.  I eat one a day. (I think this goes back to something my mom drilled into me)  Anyway, China produces more apples than any other country and Pennsylvania is among the top 5 apple-producing states in the U.S.  Some health benefits of apples include; Bone Protection, Alzheimer's prevention, Lower cholesterol, Prevention of Colon and Liver cancer. Not a bad reputation for something that tastes good.

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