
Saturday, December 28, 2013


RITCHEY is the name of a town in Missouri that bears our family name.  For a brief description of this little village click HERE

RESOLUTIONS - You plan to make any for 2014?  How about eating twelve grapes at midnight to insure good luck?  Or maybe open your back door to allow bad luck to exit and good luck to enter for the new year?  For a one minute history of this holiday click HERE.

READINGFour books are on the top of my reading pile today.  "Adventures in Missing the Point" (Thank you Jeff), "You'll Get Through This" (Thank you Melody), "Civil War Album" (Thank you Bud) and "Walking With Jesus As A Former Catholic" (Thank you Jeff).  One of my New Year's resolutions is to share some nuggets from each book staring January 1st.   

RITCHEY house has lots of company this Christmas season.  Click HERE.

RITCHEY cat is ticked.  Her owner is in Chicago for the entire week. Click HERE.

REALLY?  Heard this quote today, "Sometimes I laugh so hard the tears run down my leg."

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