
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


SANTA TAKES REQUESTS - Since I used to play the sax, my daughter got us this Hi-Tech Santa which uses Radio Frequency IDentification technology.  The music sheets contain electronically stored information which transfers wirelessly, allowing music playback.  I read about this technology and it is used for interesting applications.  An RFID tag attached to an automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line. Pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses. Livestock and pets may have tags injected, allowing positive identification of the animal. On off-shore oil and gas platforms, RFID tags are worn by personnel as a safety measure, allowing them to be located 24 hours a day and to be quickly found in emergencies.  My dad would have loved this stuff.  Click HERE to see this technology in operation.

LEONARD SWEET is at the top of my reading pile today. "Santa Takes Requests" reminded me of a "sweet" quote on p.32 of his book "SOUL SALSA".  "God has called each one of us to move "beyond category", to borrow Duke Ellington's highest term of praise.  When your soul is beyond category you are living an inspired life.  You are living in a state of in-spiration - having the Spirit breathed into you and your soul is in tune with the music of a God who is composing the score of the universe.  For too many Christians, the music has stopped".

THE ENCHANTED TRAMP - Our daughter Melody is a senior at Messiah College, studying digital media.  Her latest film project was featured on the latest Cinemablography. Click HERE.

AMAZING FINGER PAINTING - Morgan Freeman portrait done entirely on an iPad by a finger.  Click HERE.

THE LANGUAGE OF GOD - Listening to this audible book by Francis Collins today. Collins's conversion from atheism happened after he was influenced by CS Lewis.  His book argues that belief in a personal God—and even the possibility of an occasional miracle—can and should coexist with a scientific picture of the world that includes evolution. I love his comment; "Science is not threatened by God; it is enhanced" and "God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible." Collins's credibility as a scientist and his sincerity as a believer make for a great listen, especially for those who resist being forced to choose between science and God.

More posts later today......

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