
Tuesday, December 3, 2013


YOU MAY NEVER KNOW! - Here is an excerpt from a letter that I received from a student, after writing him a note 20 years ago. I share this to hopefully encourage anyone who is teaching kids, whether in public or private school; or in a church.  I hope after reading this you will think about some of your quiet; maybe bullied students.  If you can find a minute to simply write them a note, twenty years later they may....
  • Not remember exactly what the letter said.
  • But recall what you wrote - at a time when they really needed it.
  • Be reminded that there is hope, that things will get better.
  • End up being a Nuclear Physicist - I mean, how cool is that?! 
March 2001 - "You may not remember me since I was a student in your class back in 1994.  I am a senior now, and will be graduating High School in a couple of weeks.  Next year I will be attending college and will be studying Physics, with the hope of eventually earning my degree in Nuclear Physics and working with Fusion reactors.  Right now, as high school winds up for the last time, I find myself reflecting on the past, and wondering about my future.  Where will I be going?  Where is my life heading?  What have I accomplished so far?  These are all topics that I have been concerned about lately. 

I remember back in 5th grade you wrote me a letter expressing concern about how I was being persecuted by some of the kids around me, and you offered advice on how to deal with that.  I don't remember exactly what the letter said, but I remember that it gave me a great deal of hope and encouragement at a time when I really need it. 

While I am still not a very popular person, I now have a few friends whom I can rely on and I am not as isolated as I used to be. For years your letter has stuck in my mind.  The idea that I am a person worth knowing has seemed, at times, to be silly or wrong, but with encouragement from those around me, and the grace and love of God, I have been able to go on with my life.  In your letter, you told me that I was a worthwhile person, and intelligent person, and that someday it will get better."   (the rest is personal)

Today is a good time to encourage a quiet kid.  You may never know.

Matthew 25:40 (The Message) "Whenever you did these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me."   - Jesus

WICKERWACKER - Having some fun today posting Facebook messages to students I taught many moons ago......they should have never filled out my questionnaire.

WickerWacker - Click HERE.
Griff Voorhees - Click HERE.
Jose' - Click HERE.

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