
Monday, December 30, 2013


SAVING MR. BANKS was a partly confusing but fascinating movie we saw last night with friends.  Coming out of the Frank Theater we were left with interesting how much does your childhood trauma affect your adult life?  And can you do things to change those effects?

WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN - The combination of the movie and yesterday's post on this blog got me thinking about "events" that could have changed the course of my life.  Almost drowning as a child, pre-induction for the Vietnam War, industrial accident that almost left me blind, avoiding electrocution with only seconds to spare and almost getting shot by a lawyer. I hope to post details on each of these events tomorrow.

This blog would get much more interesting if my son would share his close calls so far in life.  His events definitely would include nearly severing an artery after running through a glass door, a broken neck after creatively dismounting a mountain bike, a face to face meeting with a bear in Alaska, and to the ER after a recent skiing trek in Colorado.  And then there are those other events he hasn't shared with us.  Wait!  Just received a message from my son (click comment below)

1 comment:

  1. Just received this message from my son. How about...nearly broke my leg running down a glacier, nearly drowned surfing in hurricane conditions, almost bitten by a rattlesnake on day 2 of a 3 day solo camping experience, got lost in the mountains in the Black Forest of Germany in street clothes during a snowstorm, almost froze to death in a freak blizzard in the Poconos (and lost more than $700 of equipment).
